Tuesday 6 June 2017


Flander of the simpsons is the sort of guy who reads holy bible has two combs one for his hair and the other for his moustache. the simpsons (his worst enemies) except marge and lisa always pick on him but sometimes flanders turn into a devil and sends them to hell but sometimes when bart gets strangled by homer he goes up in the branch in their backyard which is right next to flanders house and flanders bring him out a hot chocolate with whipped cream chocolate chips snap bar in the cream topped of with maple syrup and a cherry on top but the next  day bart is back to shooting him with his slingshot flanders is the person whose asks for help unlike homer when he drops something nuclear at work just goes home turns on zombies are coming and drinks a dozen of duff beer not to mention getting drunk flanders has two kids who are like him go to church spend an hour reading the holy bible even though homer is a mean guy to flanders he still bakes cakes for lisa's birthday takes it without saying thankyou when he receives it  and eats it before he reaches the couch all together flanders wants to be his friend but homer doesn give a dam

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